NghiaNV 7/15/2021
# Preview Nin
Trong thời gian rãnh rỗi, tìm hiểu về các design parttern, architecture,.. của các framework của php.
Mình có tự phát triển 1 simple framework trên tư tưởng IoC, DI,..
- Mục đích chính: research, tìm hiểu cách hoạt động hay architecture của 1 framework
- stability = dev.
# Installation
Execute the following command to get the latest version of the package:
composer create-project nin/nin -s dev
1Environment Configuration:
cp .env.example .env
1Generating the Database Schema:
composer db:create
# Documents:
- Preview (opens new window)
- DI Container (opens new window)
- Service Provider (opens new window)
- Logger (opens new window)
- Facade (opens new window)
- Config (opens new window)
- View (opens new window)
- Http Requests (opens new window)
- ORM - Entity Manager (opens new window)
- ORM - Entity Class - Schema Generate (opens new window)
- ORM - Repository (opens new window)
- Whoops (opens new window)
- Webpack (opens new window)
- Session (opens new window)
- Pipeline (opens new window)
- Middleware (opens new window)
Packagist: (opens new window)